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新匡喬醫療集團 x 清晰眼科 - 私隱條例
Medicare Group x Clarity Declaration for Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance 







1. 收集資料


1.1 本集團將按本私隱政策所列的用途收集您的個人資料。

1.2 我們不時收集及/或持有的個人資料可能包括您的個人身份證明資料、聯絡資料、交易記錄、財務背景、醫療及健康記錄、生物辨識資料及您在訪問或瀏覽我們的網站時的位置及活動。

1.3 在您與我們的互動關係過程中,我們可通過多種方式從您那裡收集您的個人資料。但是,在某些情況下,我們可能需要從第三方或來源收集您的個人資料,例如代表您的家庭成員或其他人、醫務人員、業務合作夥伴或公共數據庫。

1.4 如您未滿18歲,您向本公司提供您的個人資料前,應徵得您父母或監護人的同意。

1.5 根據您與我們的互動關係,個人資料的存儲可以採用不同形式,包括實體(紙張)形式、數碼化客戶系統或應用程序、電子病歷系統、日常業務實踐過程中的數據管理軟件或系統、為診斷拍攝的臨床圖像等。

1.6 為對您提供適當的醫療服務、治療及設施並進行相關研究及服務質量控制,您同意本集團收集您的個人資料(包括健康資料、病歷資料、藥物歷史資料等),並授權任何合適的第三方向本集團提供有關您的醫療記錄及任何相關資料,亦會不時編制關於您的個人資料。 您向本集團提供個人資料,純屬自願。但假如您未能提供所要求的個人資料,本集團可能未能向您提供有關醫療服務、治療及設施。

1.7 如您所提供的資料涉及您的親友,您應在提供有關個人資料予本集團之前知會他們並向本集團提供已簽妥之授權書,並通知他們有關本集團使用涉及他們個人資料的目的。

1.8 若您所提供的資料不正確或不完整,本集團有權不向您提供有關醫療服務、治療及設施。本集團不會就因資料不正確或不完整而導致溝通延誤或延誤提供有關醫療服務、治療及設施承擔任何責任。



2. 收集個人資料的目的及用途




(1) 有關您的醫護及/ 或一般為醫療或治療的目的,包括本集團向您提供該等服務;

(2) 為教學、教育、研究及/ 或統計的目的;

(3) 運作和保養本集團的電子信息系統及其病人和醫生的流動應用程式;

(4) 根據下方第4條,向您提供本集團的宣傳和直接促銷資訊;

(5) 評估、計劃及改善本集團所提供的服務;

(6) 就有關本集團與您聯絡;

(7) 為本集團的認可、審核、服務質量控制和行政的目的;

(8) 調查和處理投訴或爭議;

(9) 預防或偵查罪案;

(10) 遵守任何法例、規則、規例、守則或指引(統稱「法律」),或根據任何法律所容許或要求而作出披露;及

(11) 任何您與本集團均同意的其他目的,包括就本集團向您提供特定服務/ 設施而作出的任何書面通訊或相關條款及細則中所列明的目的。





3. 披露個人資料




• 非本集團聘用的醫生、治療師及健康服務人員;

• 有關的政府部門、管理或醫療機構;

• 就有關本集團的業務、服務、設施及活動,向本集團提供行政、電腦、科技、資訊或其他服務的任何代理人、承包商或第三方服務提供者;及

• 根據法律規定或監管要求或守則本集團有責任向其作出披露的任何人士或機構。



4. 直接促銷


4.1 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,本集團不會在未獲得您的事先同意的情況下,為直接促銷之目的使用您的個人資料。

4.2 如果您不希望本集團將您的個人資料用於直接促銷,您可以在提供您的個人資料時勾選相關的方框表示反對。

4.3 如您已經給予同意而其後並無撤回該同意,本集團可使用您的個人資料,藉以透過不同的通訊方法(如短訊及電郵)向您送交有關本集團所提供的醫護服務的宣傳和直接促銷資訊。

4.4 如您想本集團停止在直接促銷中使用您的個人資料,您可隨時把您的要求發送至,或透過本集團不時公佈的該等其他途徑發送有關要求。



5. 查閱或改正資料


除《個人資料(私隱)條例》規定的豁免範圍外,您有權查閱及改正本集團持有有關閣下的個人資料。若您需查閱或改正個人資料,請將有關書面要求電郵至 或致函九龍旺角西洋菜南街2A號銀城廣場20樓。





6. 資料的保留




7. 管轄法例及司法管轄區








Clarity Medical Group (the “Group”) and members of the Group, including its parent companies, subsidiaries, joint ventures and related companies, are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of personal data we collect and hold by complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (PDPO).


Your personal data is classified as confidential and can only be collected and used by the Group, where permitted by this Statement, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance or otherwise legally compelled to do so. This Statement will govern the collection of your personal data pursuant to the patient registration, the subsequent communication between you and the Group and provision of medical and healthcare services to you.



1.1 The Group may collect your personal information for the purposes as set out in this Privacy Policy.

1.2 The personal information we collect and/or hold from time to time may include your personal identification information, contact information, transaction records, financial background, medical and health records, biometric data and your location and activities when you access or browse our website(s).

1.3 We will always try to collect your personal information from you through the course of your relationship with us and in a range of ways. However, there may be instances where we will need to collect your personal information from third parties or sources in certain circumstances, such as a family member or someone else acting on your behalf, medical personnel, business partners, or public databases.

1.4 If you are under the age of 18, you should obtain consent from your parent or guardian before you provide the Group with your personal information.

1.5 Storage of personal information may be in various forms including, physical (paper) form, digital customer systems or applications, electronic medical record systems, data management software or systems in the usual course of business practices, clinical images taken for diagnostic or treatment purposes.

1.6 In order to provide you with suitable medical services, treatments and facilities and to conduct relevant research and service quality control, you agree to provide the Group with your personal data (including health information, past medical history, drug history etc.), authorize any appropriate third party to provide the Group with your medical history and any other relevant information, and to compile personal data about you from time to time. Your provision of personal data to the Group is voluntary. However, if you are unable to supply the required personal data, the Group may not be able to provide the relevant medical services, treatments or facilities to you.

1.7 If the information you are going to provide involves your relatives or friends, you should inform them before providing such personal data to the Group and provide a duly signed Authorisation Letter to the Group. You should also inform them of the relevant use of their personal data by the Group.

1.8 If the personal data provided is not accurate or complete, the Group reserves the right not to provide medical services, treatment or facilities to you. The Group will not be liable for any delay in communication or providing medical services, treatments or facilities as a result of such inaccurate or incomplete personal data.





Your personal data may be used mainly for the following purposes or any purposes directly relating to any of them:


(1) purposes relating to your healthcare and/or generally for medical care or treatment purposes, including provision of the services to you by us;

(2) teaching, education, research and/or statistical purposes;

(3) operation and maintenance of our information systems and our mobile applications for patients and doctors;

(4) provision of our Group’s promotional and direct marketing materials to you pursuant to paragraph 4 below;

(5) evaluation, planning and improvement of services which we provide;

(6) communication with you in relation to us;

(7) our accreditation, audit, service quality control and administrative purposes;

(8) investigation and processing of complaints or disputes;

(9) prevention or detection of crime;

(10) compliance with or disclosure as permitted or required by any law, rule, regulation, code or guideline (collectively, Law); and

(11) any other purposes as may be agreed between you and us, including purposes set out in any written communication or terms and conditions for the supply of specific services/facilities to you by us.


When we collect personal data from you, we will provide you with a personal information collection statement (PICS) in an appropriate format and manner (such as the Personal Information Collection Statement to Patients) to identify to you the purposes for which your personal data are collected and the types of third parties to whom we may disclose your personal data.





Personal data provided by you will be used by the Group, and may also be disclosed or transferred to the following types of persons for the purposes set out in this Statement:


- doctors, therapists and healthcare service providers who are not the Group’s staff or personnel; - relevant government departments, administrative authorities or medical institutions; any agents, contractors or third-party service providers who provide administrative, computer, technology, information or other services to the Group in connection with its business, services, facilities and activities; and - any persons or entity to whom the Group are obligated to disclose under law or regulatory requirements or rules.





4.1 By virtue of PDPO, we will not use your personal data for direct marketing purposes without your prior consent.

4.2 If you do not wish us to use your personal data in direct marketing, you may indicate your objection by checking the box when providing your personal data.

4.3 With your consent which is not subsequently opted out, we may use your personal data for sending you promotional and direct marketing materials in relation to healthcare services provided by us through various communication channels (such as SMS and electronic mail).

4.4 If you wish us cease to use your personal data in direct marketing, you may send your request at any time to or through such other channels as we may announce from time to time.





Except where there is an exemption provided under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data that is held by the Group. If you need to have access to or correct the personal data, you should submit a written request to or 20/F, Ginza Plaza, 2A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Kowloon.


The Group has the right to charge a reasonable handling fee for request to access or correct your personal data.





The Group will retain the personal data provided by you for a reasonable period of time to implement the purposes for which such personal data is collected or to comply with the applicable laws, regulations and regulatory requirements or rules of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China .





This Statement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China .


Note: In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.






作為你的醫生/護士/醫護人員,我們需要請你提供有關閣下的個人資料(包括健康資料),或向任何適當人士查詢有關閣下的醫療記錄及任何有關的資料, 為你的醫療服務之用,一般性的醫學用途或本院統計及審核用途。


當你提供這些個人資料時,請確保這些資料準確及完整。如果你不向我們提供所需的資料或你提供錯誤/不完整的資料,則可能會影響我們為你所提供的 醫療服務。你有權根據個人資料(私隱)條例第22條要求更改所提交的個人資料,詳情可致電2339 8805查詢。




 -  其他醫生/醫療人員,作為有關你醫療服務之用;


 -  法庭(如被傳訊)或法律指定的其他人士;


 -  香港衛生署(如有需要);


 -  本診所統計及審核用途。




除了上述的用途外,本診所也有意使用閣下的姓名及聯絡資料,以寄上有關的宣傳資料及/或聯絡閣下。在使用閣下的個人資料作此用途前,如閣下不同意本會使用閣下的個人資料作此用途,可電郵至 或 致電2543 3296聯繫。



Medicare Group-Declaration for Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance 


Please read this notice before you provide any personal data to us.


As your doctors/nurses/health care providers, we have to ask you to provide your personal data (including health information) or obtain from any appropriate third  party your medical history and any relevant information for your treatment, health care or clinic statistical and audit purposes.


When you provide personal data to us, please make sure that the data is accurate and complete. If you do not provide us with the information required or if the  information provided is inaccurate or incomplete, our ability to provide appropriate treatment/health care to you may be  affected. Requests for the necessary correction to the data can be made by phone at 2339 8805 in accordance with Section 22 of the Ordinance. 


We take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that your Personal Data are protected against unauthorized or accidental access or use.  However, please note and accept that your personal data may be made available to:


 -  Other doctors/health care providers who require it for purposes related to your health care;  


 -  The Court if ordered, subpoenaed, or to such other persons as required by law;


 -  The Department of Health, HKSARG where necessary;


 -  Clinic statistical and audit purposes


Use of personal data for promotion:


In addition to the purposes set out above, Medicare Group intends to use your name and contact details for sending you  promotional materials and/or contacting you in relation to our latest promotion.  Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please notify our team by email  or phone at 2543 3296.

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